Formal and Informal Curricula Fall 2020 Report
- A faculty position, created in Academic Affairs in 2018, provides as a liaison to IDEI and acts as a resource to faculty on inclusive curriculum and pedagogical practices; this professor has worked with faculty and departments/programs including Providence College School of Business; Elementary and Special Education; Global Studies; Theatre, Dance, and Film; Development of Western Civilization; and new faculty
- IDEI Faculty in Residence are working with faculty colleagues on developing inclusive syllabi and inclusive pedagogy
- The Providence College School of Business has completed an audit of case studies used in PCSB classes and business core course textbooks to document the representation of diversity
- The Department of Global Studies has created a new course, Indigenous Voices
- The Theatre, Dance, and Film department – in consultation with IDEI personnel – developed and staged a fall semester production based on voices from the Black@PC Instagram channel
- The Theater department has committed to highlighting Black voices in order to diversify our exploration of the human condition.
- IDEI’s Summer 2020 Series on Anti-Racism resulted in very substantial participation among faculty, students, staff, alumni, and members of the external community
- Purposeful use of a Student-Athlete Development Model resulted in effective integration of DEI programming and learning in Athletics
In Process
- Criteria for courses that satisfy the College’s diversity proficiency requirement are under review
- Revised Development of Western Civilization objectives, including DEI components, will be presented by the program’s director and program committee to the faculty in the spring 2021 semester
- The History and Classics Department’s Task Force on IDEI is developing a mentorship program for students within that major, created a “design your own concentration” reform, and is promoting its “non-western” course offerings in its social media channels
- The Elementary and Special Education department is actively working to do more in the Providence Public Schools and to understand the importance of being part of these systems in our community
- The School of Professional Studies interim dean and assistant dean, along with the chair of the Elementary and Special Education program, are evaluating the assessment used for student admission in the Elementary and Special Education program
- The School of Professional Studies interim dean and assistant dean, along with the chair of the Elementary and Special Education program, are addressing the assessment process regarding students’ entrance and retention in the ESE program; the ESE chair has formed a committee to address the historical and current challenges with assessment in the department
- IDEI and the Center for Orientation, Transitions and Leadership are collaborating on the creation of a four-year developmental model for students, leading to a certificate in equity and inclusion